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PKF Cyprus

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Cyprus Income tax

Cyprus Tax – Special Contribution


SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION (Terminated from 1/1/2017) 

Special Contribution of private sector employees, self-employed individuals and private sector pensioners along with government and semi-government employees and pensioners of public sector.

From 1 January 2012 until 31 December 2016 a new legislation was introduced for the payment of special contribution to strengthen public finances. The Special Contribution bands are as follows:

For years 2012 – 2013

For years 2014 – 2016

Gross monthly


Special contribution to Cyprus

Gross monthly


Special contribution to Cyprus



0 – 2.500


0 – 1.500


2.501 – 3.500


1.501 – 2.500


3.501 – 4.500


2.501 – 3.500


4.501  and above


3.501  and above



• The recipient of the remuneration is liable for half the Special Contribution and the employer for the other half. While in the case of government and semi-government employees and pensioners of public sector they are liable for the whole amount of the contribution. The minimum amount of contribution is €10.

• For employees the Special Contribution should be settled through withholding from the employer.

• For private sector pensioners the Special Contribution should be settled via self assessment.

• For self-employed individuals the Special Contribution should be settled via the provisional Cyprus tax system.

• The Special Contribution is deductible for Income Tax purposes both for the individuals and for the employer.

• For public officials who are in the highest tier of their scale all rates are differentiated by a 0.5% upwards increase.

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Last update: March 2020

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