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PKF Cyprus

A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.

Cyprus Income tax

Cyprus Tax – Cyprus VAT



Cyprus VAT was introduced on the 1st of July 1992 and is obligatory on the supply of goods and provision of services in Cyprus and on imports into Cyprus from non-Member States of the European Union.

Persons liable

All enterprises and persons performing a business activity and being registered or required to be registered. A taxable person can be an individual or a company, a partnership, a self-employed person including clubs, associations, institutions, and others.


Every person is required to register to Cyprus VAT if:

• at the end of any month where the turnover for the preceding 12 months exceeds €15.600 or

• at any time it is anticipated that the turnover within the next 30 days will exceed €15.600

• at anytime a business provides or anticipates to provide services into VAT-registered persons in any Member State of the European Union.

• at any time it is received or anticipated to be received services from the European Union or Third Countries.

A person that makes taxable supplies but does not meet the above requirements for compulsory registration may voluntarily register to Cyprus VAT unless he deals with exempt supplies.


The main transactions which are exempt from Cyprus VAT could be summarised as follows:

• Rental income from immovable Cyprus property

• Financial services

• Hospital and medical care

• Disposal of immovable Cyprus property where the application for building permission has been submitted prior to the 1st of May 2004

• Postal and insurance services

• Management services provided to Cyprus funds

Cyprus VAT rates

Cyprus VAT legislation uses the following tax rates:

• Standard rate 19%

• Zero rate 0%

• Reduced rate of 5%

• Reduced rate of 9%

Difference between zero-rated transactions and exempt transactions

The basic difference between zero-rated transactions and exempt transactions is that the businesses making exempt supplies of goods or provision of services are not eligible to recover the tax paid on their purchases and expenses while the businesses making zero-rated supplies of goods or provision of services are eligible to recover the tax paid on their purchases and expenses.

Cyprus VAT returns and payments

All persons liable to Cyprus VAT must file a quarterly return within 40 days following the end of each quarter and pay the balance between output VAT (collected) and input VAT (paid).

As of 2 May 2017 the electronic submission of VAT returns will be compulsory, through the taxis net system.

Intra-community trading

The following returns must be submitted by person trading intra-community, buying from or selling to the other Member States of the European Union:

For acquisitions:

• Intrastat-arrivals

• Include in the VAT return (total)

For dispatches:

• Intrastat-dispatches

• VAT Information Exchange System (VIES form)

• Included in the VAT return (total with 0%)


As of 1 January 2010 Cyprus VAT legislation had been altered so that to comply with the EU legislation.

From 2010 onwards, enterprises resident in the Republic providing services to other Member State set the recipient liable to take care of the VAT involved under the reverse charge. Whether there is a sale of goods or provision of services in other Member State, enterprises are liable to submit the VIES return electronically (from this year onwards) on the 15th day following the end of each month through the website:

Contact us

For more information please contact

Email: [email protected]


Last update: March 2020

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PKF Cyprus firms are member firms of the PKF International Limited network of legally independent firms and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions on the part of any other individual member firm or firms.