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PKF Cyprus

A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.

Global Accounting and Business Advisory Services

Cyprus Funds

PKF Cyprus  experts can help you with the formation and administration of  Cyprus funds

Cyprus Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) – Cyprus funds

+ Cyprus Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)  formation

+ Fund administration services

+ Funds tax planning and tax structuring

Specific areas of expertise

+ Cyprus fund formation, including reporting required by various Cyprus government authorities i.e. Central Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Stock Exchange etc.

+ Processing of applications and redemption for investors,

+ Net asset value determination

+ Maintenance of registers

+ International and Cyprus tax planning for investors and advice on tax issues in jurisdictions other than Cyprus (subject to correspondence with our associates in related jurisdictions)

For more information
For more information please contact our PKF Cyprus Nicosia offices on:

Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +357-22462727


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