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PKF Cyprus

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Cyprus Income tax

Cyprus Tax – Cyprus Shipping Enterprises



The new Cyprus tax system for merchant shipping was approved by the European Commission on 24th March 2010 and provides that profits from shipping operations, from the provision of crew or technical ship management services, dividends paid directly or indirectly out of such profits and interest earned on funds used as working capital or for the payment of expenses relating to the management of ships are covered by tonnage tax.

Tonnage Tax

Tonnage tax is calculated on the net tonnage of the ship and on the basis of a broad range of bands and rates prescribed in the legislation.

Specifically, the tax is calculated based on the following tax rates:

Net Tonnage (ΝΤ)





> 40.000

€ 36,50 per 100 ΝΤ

€ 31.03 per 100 ΝΤ

€ 20.08 per 100 ΝΤ

€ 12.78 per 100 ΝΤ

€ 7.30 per 100 ΝΤ

Note: Tax rates applicable to ship managers’ are 25% of the above.

Ship Owners:

Shipowners of Cyprus flag ships automatically fall within the scope of tonnage tax. Shipowners of EU community flagships and foreign flagships may opt to be taxed under tonnage tax (certain circumstances must apply for foreign flagships).

Any ship owner opting for the tonnage tax must remain in the system for 10 years at least.


Α Charterer who charters a ship under bareboat, demise, time or voyage charter is eligible to opt for the tonnage tax system provided that the tonnage of the ships under time or voyage do not exceed 75% of the total tonnage of the ships chartered and owned, for more than three tax periods.  The percentage increases to 90% if the ships chartered are EU/EEA ships or their crew and technical management are carried out from the EU/EEA. Charterers of non-EU flag ships must comply with further requirements.

Ship Managers:

A ship manager providing crew and / or technical ship management services is eligible for the tonnage tax system under certain circumstances provided the criteria are satisfied.

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Email: [email protected]


Last update: March 2020

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