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PKF Cyprus

A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.

Payment of Cyprus Companies’ annual levy for the year 2020

We would like to remind you that for the year 2020 annual levy payment can only be made from JCCSMART website by clicking on the “Annual Company Office” icon and following the relevant procedure.

The amount of the annual levy for the year 2020 for Cypriot companies is determined according to the period of payment of the annual levy. That is,

Until 31 December 2020Annual levy payment for the year 2020 € 350
From 1 January 2021Annual levy payment for the year 2020 € 490

Contact us

Please contact us for personal advice at:

Contact email: [email protected]

Contact telephone Number: +357 22 462727

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Accordingly no person, entity or corporation should act or rely upon any matter or information as contained or implied within this publication without first obtaining advice from an appropriately qualified professional person or firm of advisors, and ensuring that such advice specifically relates to their particular circumstances.

PKF Cyprus firms are member firms of the PKF International Limited network of legally independent firms and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions on the part of any other individual member firm or firms.