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PKF Cyprus

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Cyprus Immovable Property Tax (IPT) 2014 period payment extended

The deadline for payment of Cyprus Immovable Property Tax (IPT) for the year 2014 is extended until 31 December, and early payment discount of 15 percent is also extended by one month. The last date for payment of Cyprus Immovable Property Tax (IPT) for the year 2014 will be 31 December 2014, instead of the end of November and taxpayers will receive a 15 percent discount if they settle their immovable property taxes until 30 November, instead of the end of October.

If the payment is made after 31 December 2014, there will be an additional charge of 10% of the tax due, plus interest and any administrative fines provided for in the legislation.

 This year Immovable Property Tax will be based on the values ​​of the 1980s as last year and on the current applicable Cyprus Immovable Property Tax rates.

It is expected that the new system of property valuation will be implemented in 2015, where property values will be ​​based on market values. It is expected that Cyprus Immovable Property Tax rates will also change.

 For more information and on information on how to pay your property tax, please refer to our previous article Cyprus Immovable Property tax 2014 guidance.

How we can help

We can help you to complete the relevant Immovable Property Tax forms and pay the tax obligations of your Cyprus Immovable Property.

Please contact our offices:

[email protected]


PKF / ATCO Limited is a member firm of the PKF International Limited network of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions on the part of any other individual member firm or firms. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.